Wednesday, April 22, 2009


In 2004, I took my mom (Old and sick), RIP, to Cuba to see her brother, my uncle (Old and sick). I made all the arrangements through the Internet. The Visa application through the State Department took 21 days. It turns out that Cuban-Americans can go visit their family in Cuba with a State Department issued Humanitarian Visa. I made the plane reservations through a travel agency on-line and we flew from Jacksonville to Miami, then to Habana, Cuba via Delta. It was E-A-S-Y and legal. So Obama's attempts to bring us closer to ties with Cuba so that we can visit our relatives is BS. There is another motive. Obama was raised by hard line leftist socialists and educated by Marxist-leaning professors and community organizers. Of course he's going to want to play patty-cake with dictators. They are like-minded: Socialistic views where the government controls the people and their money and everyone has the same thing, because the wealth has been collected and spread evenly, no matter how hard one person works or how little the other person works. There is nothing to gain from removing the US/Cuban embargo and kissing up to Raul and Fidel. It is not going to allow my uncle to freely hop on a plane and visit me for vacation. My uncle is not going to be able to get more Ibuprofen for his arthritis. He is not going to be able to speak against the Castro regime without getting shot or going to prison. The money is just going to keep lining the pockets of the Communist sympathizers, the military police and the Castro brothers.

In 2004, when I went to Cuba, the streets had huge craters in them. The buildings were crumbling and people were afraid to speak their minds in public. The only area that looked good was the route from the airport to the tourist hotels. Meanwhile, my uncle and his extended family got their food rationed and had to provide their own sheets, pillow cases and toiletries if hospitalized. The grocery store shelves were empty. The only stores filled to the brim were the stores accepting only American dollars. They had everything that we do. But without American dollars, the Cuban people can't shop there. That's why I send my uncle money, even though I know that the Communist regime takes their cut. Obama is telling a big fat lie to the American people concerning Cuba and I'm having Jimmy Carter flashbacks. The Castro regime will knife us (USA) in the back eventually as a result of Obama's friendliness. Remember the Mariel boatlift?