Monday, October 13, 2008

From North Florida

I am a disabled-retired cop from south Florida. I moved up from Dade County in 1994 and live in an undisclosed location in north Florida. I love it here. It's quiet, very little crime and people are friendly. I miss the Cuban food and being 15 minutes from the beach. I don't miss the carjackings, driveway robberies, honking cars, constant gridlock and pissed off drivers and that most houses have to have bars on their windows. I voted by absentee ballot the other day; for McCain/Palin and a bunch of other items that were on the ballot. Where I live now, the democrats run the county, so I had to pay special attention to the ballot wording. Some amendments were so confusing, that it would've been easy to vote against when I was for and vice versa.

I haven't always liked McCain's choices, but I've always respected him. He always speaks from the heart, with patriotism, honor and courage. Furthermore, he spent 5 years as a Vietnam POW. He was beaten, tortured and left to die in a cell I wouldn't put my dog in. When given the chance to go home early because his dad was a big shot admiral, he turned it down. There were war buddies that were in line to go home before him. (This is part of the military code of conduct). Obama reminds me of how Fidel Castro acted and sounded before he took power. Fidel was a tall, dark and handsome lawyer-turned activist (Community organizer). He was eloquent and seemed to care for the poor and the middle class. He was a lawyer of the common people that promised change... Blah, blah, blah. As soon as Fidel took power, he showed the people his true spots by confiscating personal property, people's money, corporations, banks, etc. It was too late. Oh yeah, and because he confiscated guns, the people couldn't fight back. Obama is a lawyer, a community organizer of the people. He wants to take from the rich and give to the poor. He wants to take YOUR hard earned money and hand it out. We don't need a bigger welfare state. We need to take our welfare recipients that are able bodied, make them work or join the military, make them contribute to society instead of being parasites. Obama is a socialist, borderline communist. Sometimes, change is not a good thing. It depends on the change. Obama's change is not in this country's best interest.